Monitoring and evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation

Our monitoring and evaluation aims to support our partners in project execution, maximise each project’s impact, collect lessons learnt and best practices, and minimise the risk of failure.
Project success is seen when the project is achieving or exceeding its intended impact within its allocated resources. Monitoring, including systematic reporting, are standard requirements for all our projects regardless of duration and budget.
The following tools are applied in the ongoing monitoring and evaluation of our projects:

Field visits

Field visits are carried out by our Programme Officers in the Secretariat. The frequency depends on the project complexity, duration, financial size and our experience with the partner. 
The purpose of the visits at field level is to obtain a first-hand impression of project achievements in relation to the project plan and to discuss progress and obstacles with the partner. Focus is on learning best practices, sharing experience and finding solutions in collaboration. As a supplement to visits at field level, regular interactions are taken with project partners to discuss progress in implementation and obstacles encountered.

Project reports

Field visit report: A report is prepared by the relevant Programme Manager following each monitoring visit
Semi-annual progress report: A 3-5 page document submitted to WDF Secretariat twice per year by the partner focusing on implementation of activities, major achievements, problems faced and solutions found
Cash flow report: Cash flow reports are submitted to WDF Secretariat twice per year by the partner detailing amounts received, expenditure to date, as well as balance in the account
External audited accounts: All projects are required to submit annual audited accounts performed by external, registered auditors, and final audited accounts for the project performed by external, registered auditors
Project completion report: A report to be submitted to WDF Secretariat upon completion of the project, providing an analysis of achievement of project objectives, design, impact and sustainability. It enables identification of positive and negative lessons learnt.