WDF’s work is divided into two intervention areas - Care and Primary Prevention - supported by Advocacy
To enable better health outcomes, we need resilient health systems emphasising integrated and people-centred care, especially at primary and community levels
To enhance the effect of preventive measures, we take a life course approach focusing on windows of opportunity (childhood, adolescence, and women's reproductive years)
To be at the forefront and influence the conceptualisation of the global NCD dialogue, to ultimately increase the political and financial commitments towards diabetes and other NCDs in LMICs
In the context of NCDs, integrated health services are implemented in a way that ensures people living with NCDs receive a full continuum of health care. This includes health promotion, disease prevention, diagnosis, treatment, disease management, rehabilitation and palliative care services, coordinated across the different levels and sites of care within and beyond the health sector, and according to people’s needs and throughout the life-course. Models for integration should fit local contexts.(WHO definition adopted during the 69th WHA, May 2016)
An approach to health that considers the entire lifespan aims to maintain individuals' wellness at every age. This is achieved by catering to their specific needs, guaranteeing access to healthcare services, and protecting their fundamental human right to health throughout their lives.(WHO, 2023)
All people should have access, without discrimination, to nationally determined sets of the needed health services (including prevention, promotion, treatment, rehabilitation and palliation) and affordable and effective medicines while also ensuring that the use of these services does not expose the user to financial hardship, particularly for those who are vulnerable or in vulnerable situations. (from the Universal Declaration on the UHC, September 2019)
An archive of the World Diabetes Foundation's Annual Accounts, a detailed overview of our financial performance and organizational activities for the respective year.
Our fundraising programme allows donors to support diabetes prevention and care projects directly.
WDF’s 2025 fundraiser aims to improve the health and quality of life of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes in rural areas, as well as building capacity among parents and school staff to create a supportive environment and reduce the stigma that children face.
Digital support to health care professionals and people with diabetes to improve health outcomes in low- and middle-income countries.
The P2P Academy empowers our partners through south-to-south collaboration for health systems strengthening and elevated diabetes care in low- and middle-income countries.