A chance to change lives

Support vulnerable people with diabetes

WDF’s fundraising programme gives donors the chance to directly support selected projects in low- and middle-income countries.

The 2024 fundraiser project ‘DiabetesCare360: Inclusive camps and digital education for children and youth with T1D in Georgia’ is rolled out by NCD Alliance Georgia. The project's goal is to empower 1500 children and youth with T1D across all regions of Georgia. This will be achieved by organising camps for both the children and their caregivers, creating a supportive and informed community. Through these camps, children will learn how to manage their diabetes and receive psychosocial support from their peers both online and in-person.


100% of the donations we receive go directly to the year’s fundraiser project.

You will receive a tax deduction if you register your CPR number (Danish-based donors only).

Other ways to donate

  • A bank transfer to:  The World Diabetes Foundation, Danske Bank, Holmens Kanal 2 – 12, 1092 Copenhagen K, Denmark. Registration: 3100, Account: 3100015145, BIC/SWIFT: DABADKKK, IBAN: DK10 3000 3100 0151 45. Please include your name and address.

  • A business donation: This can be done via bank transfer as above.

  • A gift through your will: The World Diabetes Foundation has partnered with the legal firm Legal Desk to allow you to create a free online will that includes a gift to WDF in a size of your choice. Visit Legal Desk's website to learn more or read more below (in Danish).

Visit our website for details or send an email or call us at +45 30798000 - we would love to hear from you.