
The project is implemented jointly by Danish Red Cross (DRC), Kenya Red Cross Crescent Society (KRCS) and Somali Red Crescent Society (SRCS), in collaboration with Kenya Ministry of Health, Somali Federal Republic Ministry of Health and UNHCR.

The project aims to improve the management of diabetes and other NCDs among populations affected by displacement in Kenya and Somalia, as well as further institutionalise NCD care and prevention into the regional/global approach of International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC).


The project will enhance KRCS/SRCS responses to NCDs and institutionalise NCDs into IFRC response frameworks through a series of activities at country levels, at cross border level, and at regional/global level:

The Kenya country level activities will focus on enhancing access to NCD prevention and care for refugee populations from Somalia in Dadaab camp through awareness raising, capacity building, provision of equipment/supplies for health facilities, patient education/support groups, home based care and community engagement for preventive measures

The Somalia country level activities will focus on enhancing access to NCD prevention and care for IDPs through awareness raising, capacity building, provision of equipment, supplies and personnel for health facilities.

The cross-border level activities will focus on people affected by displacement and moving between Kenya and Somalia through a joint country implementation team, which will focus on coordination mechanisms and facilitation of advocacy events to ensure enhanced cross border referrals and harmonized data collection.

The regional/global level activities will be focused on aligning proposed project with an ongoing regional DRC/IFRC project on NCD care for refugees and displaced people supported by Novo Nordisk Foundation.

Expected results

In Kenya

33 HCWs and 60 CHVs trained
70,000 people reached through awareness
35,000 refugees to be screened for NCD risk factors
4,816 to be screened for diabetes
1,000 patients to be referred to diabetes care.

In Somalia

62 HCWs and 70 CHVs trained
60,000 people reached through awareness
30,000 IDPs and returnees to be screened for NCD risk factors
12,450 to be screened for diabetes
4,000 patients to be referred to diabetes care
33 health facilities will be strengthened

Project information

  • Project Nr.:
  • Project status:
    Implementation phase
  • Intervention areas:
    Access to care
    Advocacy and stakeholder engagement
  • Region:
  • Country:
  • Partners:
    Danish Red Cross
  • Project period:
    2022 2025
  • Project budget:
    USD 750.000
  • WDF contribution:
    USD 750.000