Programme de Formation en Diabétologie et Endocrinologie pédiatriques


Establish a Master’s degree programme (2 years) in paediatric diabetes and endocrinology
Train 16 paediatric endocrinologists
Put in place measures to ensure the professional success of the laureates in their home countries
Lay the foundation for a teaching programme for allied health professionals to enable the development of multidisciplinary teams


The project will increase capacity in the area of paediatric care for diabetes in 22 African French-speaking countries through the development and roll-out of a comprehensive Master programme in two universities (Cheikh Anta Diop in Senegal and Yaoundé in Cameroon). The Master’s degree will be offered to doctors from the whole French-speaking sub-Saharan Africa area. The process for recognition by the African and Malagasy Council for Higher Education (AMCHE) will be initiated to ensure regional accreditation of the programme.

A 2-month ‘pre-requisite’ course will be rolled out and used both as a tool for the selection of students but also for improving the paediatric diabetes and endocrinology knowledge of any interested doctor or health professional (accessible free of charge online). French-speaking SSA nurses who have completed the pre-requisite will be encouraged to enrol in the Bachelor's degree in Diabetology at the University of Conakry in Guinea.

The Master programme will consist of 4 semesters, 2 online with frequent opportunities to interact with teachers and 2 onsite with practical training in various clinics.

A follow-up of the new graduates will be ensured, in particular to guarantee their practice in the field (in addition to the conventions established before the beginning of the Master) and to facilitate the links between the French-speaking Sub-Saharan professionals with a dedicated Society.

Communication about the programme will be ensured by a dedicated website and an evaluation of the teachers, candidates and programme will be carried out.

Expected results

70 doctors and paramedics strengthened in paediatric endocrinology/diabetology
14 paediatric endocrinologists in post, practising at least 50% in the field
Master's degree in paediatric endocrinology and diabetology fully developed and recognised by AMCHE
Elaboration of a university training project in paediatric diabetology and endocrinology for paramedics initiated
French-speaking African endocrine and paediatric society established
North-South links for teaching, research and pooling of resources in the field of paediatric endocrinology and diabetology strengthened.

Project information

  • Project Nr.:
  • Project status:
    Implementation phase
  • Intervention areas:
    Access to care
  • Region:
  • Country:
  • Partners:
  • Project period:
    2022 2026
  • Project budget:
    EUR 521.571
  • WDF contribution:
    EUR 261.802