Assurer une prévention et une prise en charge de qualité du diabète au Mali en consolidant la place et le rôle de la société civile au sein d’un réseau multi acteurs, Mali


- Strengthen the prevention of risk factors for diabetes
- Strengthen national policy and strategic frameworks in the fight against diabetes while increasing on-the-ground access to care, treatment and education for
patients and the population
- Strengthen the place of patients through their associations
- Ensure full involvement of all partners and optimal governance of the project


This project will adopt an institutional and operational approach. In order to strengthen the fight against diabetes and its risk factors in Mali, the partner will ensure that all policy documents related to the disease (NCD, diabetes, nutrition, maternal and child health, ...) are strengthened. To promote a more favourable policy environment and to further improve access to care at the peripheral level, the project will significantly increase the number of health professionals trained in diabetes, gestational diabetes and type 1 diabetes at the different levels of the health pyramid. This will lead to a further decentralisation of diabetes services.

To ensure better quality of care and better financial access to care for people with diabetes, social protection will be extended by including diabetes in the UHC system in addition to the AMO (Obligatory Medical Aid).

At the end of the project, Mali will have an efficient and sustainable policy environment and a decentralised and strengthened diabetes care system. Support to the data monitoring system and the health information system will enable better political and strategic planning for the fight against diabetes in Mali. People with diabetes will benefit from quality care throughout the country leading to better prevention and management of diabetes and a reduction in the number of serious complications and premature deaths.

To ensure effectiveness and long-term sustainability, all the main health actors in Mali will be involved from the beginning of the project: Ministry of Health, National and Regional Health Directorates, National and Regional Hospitals and health structures; specialist doctors and health professionals as well as patients' associations and health professionals' associations. Local ownership will also be strengthened through the involvement of strong national NGOs such as the NGO Walé.

Results at completion

• 1 prevention house set up in Bamako (Capital city) with satellite branches in Kayes, Sikasso, Segou and Timbuktu
• 25 peer-educators for prevention activities and 10 patients peer-educators to accompany other patients trained
• 15 project related articles published
• 561 doctors, 358 nurses and 119 other HCPs (surgery, gynecology, emergency) trained in T2DM care and prevention
• 17,143 persons screened for T2DM
• 1,839 patients diagnosed with T2DM and referred to treatment
• 64,856 patients treated at established clinics
• 88 teachers and 2,341 children/adolescents trained in T2DM prevention
• 4,500 parents trained in T2DM prevention
• 169 T2DM screening camps conducted
• 1,357 community awareness activities conducted incl. 736 for Hyperglycemia in Pregnancy
• 13,910 persons reached at awareness activities incl. 8,417 women
• 39 doctors trained in T1DM care
• 660 patients trained in T1DM self-management

Project information

  • Project Nr.:
  • Project status:
  • Intervention areas:
    Access to care
    Advocacy and stakeholder engagement
  • Region:
  • Country:
  • Partners:
    NGO Santé Diabète
  • Project period:
    2020 2023
  • Project budget:
    EUR 1,054,890.00
  • WDF contribution:
    EUR 1,054,890.00