
Improving diabetes prevention and care for indigenous peoples in selected municipalities of Bolivia, Guatemala and Nicaragua within the framework of the Health Policies of each participating country.


The proposed project builds on successfully implemented pilot WDF15-1274 in Bolivia which will be scaled up and further refined to expand access to diabetes prevention and care for indigenous people in Bolivia, Guatemala and Nicaragua. The total catchment population for the intervention will be est. 400,000 in total. Project activities include three tracks:

1. Advocacy and knowledge generation. Various advocacy activities will be carried out at international, regional, national and local level to support and sustain policy action and exchange knowledge on diabetes prevention and care for indigenous peoples. Regular sensitisation meetings with health authorities at all levels in each country. A diabetes prevalence study among indigenous peoples. Organization of a regional conference to share the results of the regional programme and exchange knowledge on diabetes among indigenous peoples
2. Health system strengthening. Capacity will be strengthened through development of interculturally sensitive diabetes care guidelines for paramedics and traditional doctors based on the WHO 2009 diabetes care (in close collaboration with PAHO and health authorities). Strengthening of primary health care facilities through provision of screening kits and training of healthcare providers. A diploma program developed for traditional practitioners/healers and healthcare providers in close collaboration with local health authorities, academia and PAHO.
3. Community level. Raise awareness and access to care for indigenous people at risk of diabetes through a range of diabetes awareness and screening campaigns in targeted municipalities. Awareness and health promotion activities in communities. Promotion of healthy lifestyle and nutrition including traditional medical plants through sensitization and establishment of greenhouses.

Expected results

- 100 doctors and 500 nurses trained representing 128 health facilities.
- 350 traditional practitioners/healers trained.
- 50,000 people screened for diabetes.
- Estimated 2,500 people diagnosed with diabetes, 1500 within agreed target for glucose control,
- 1000 patients treated at established/strengthened clinics.
- 50,000 people screened for diabetes
- 128 health facilities in three countries strengthened.
- At least 100,000 indigenous people reached through awareness activities.
- 162 community screenings and awareness camps organised, including global diabetes walks
- 360 teachers trained in healthy living and prevention of diabetes
- At least 18 talks on the benefits and management of medicinal plants
- Establishment of six greenhouses
- 10,800 families have benefited nutritional talks and traditional plants.
- Prevalence study and evaluation of results carried out in all three countries.

Project information

  • Project Nr.:
  • Project status:
    Completion phase
  • Intervention areas:
    Access to care
    Advocacy and stakeholder engagement
  • Region:
    South and Central America
  • Country:
  • Partners:
    Fondo para el Desarrollo de los Pueblos Indígenas de América Latina y El Caribe - FILAC
  • Project period:
    2020 2024
  • Project budget:
    USD 1.092.095
  • WDF contribution:
    USD 1.092.095