To roll out a region-wide diabetic retinopathy (DR) awareness raising, screening and care programme in three regions of Northern Peru.
The project will refine and expand a regional model of DR care to the Piura and Lambayeque regions. The model was piloted in La Libertad region by ORBIS and IRO from 2014-2017, with results recognised by national level authorities/eye care programme and by WHO. The model consists of the following activities:1. A comprehensive consultation process with all levels of care involved, ensuring local agreements and co-ownership of activities.2. Roll out of sensitisation and training activities towards targeted primary and secondary level facilties, including provision of material and equipment.3. Establishing DR care referral centres in each of the three regions, adding another centre in La Libertad, including installation of retinal camera and laser equipments, and image grading and tele-ophthalmology capacity.4. Mobilisation of community levels and civil society through identification of ‘DR community ambassadors’ and through targeted outreach to diabetes patients in order to promote DR screening and referral, supported by wider WDD/media channel campaigns, in order to have more patients screened.5. Roll out of region-wide screening and care across the three regions with emphasis on referral adherence, including through text message/SMS system contact and registration of patients. IRO/ORBIS/MoH monitoring and on-site visits will be outlined.
Patients screened for DR: Year 1 – 3,500; Year 2 – 6000; Year 3 – 8,000; Year 4 – 9,000• 60 general doctors and ophthalmologists trained annually in the three regions• 40 nurses from primary, secondary and tertiary health levels trained in diabetes eye care and prevention annually in the three regions• 4 biomedical technicians trained on equipment maintenance annually• 3 manuals/guidelines/protocols on diabetes eye care produced for HCPs in 3 regions• 1 tertiary hospital strengthened; 3 DR medical treatment services established at 3 secondary hospitals in the 3 regions• 4 clinics procure and install diagnostic and treatment equipment• 24% (6,360) of patients screened are diagnosed with DR• 17% (1,081) of patients diagnosed with DR treated with laser; 14% (890) of all patients with DR receive surgery and Anti-VEGF treatment• 24 total awareness raising campaigns conducted – 2 per year in each of 3 regions