Generacíon Vida Nueva: Gestational diabetes in Colombian Caribbean, Phase 3


Implementing the first stage of a national MoH programme on hyperglycemia in pregnancy (HIP) targeting eight departments of Colombia.


The proposed programme will consist of following activities, based on lessons learnt, achievements and outcomes of projects WDF10-572/WDF15-955:

Update and adapt clinical guidelines and protocols for HIP detection and management incl. post-partum activities/diabetes care and prevention. A scientific committee will be established consisting of all stakeholders. New guidelines and protocols will be adopted formally by the eight departments targeted. Various education and awareness materials on HIP/diabetes and risk factors also will be updated, re-printed and distributed to the departments.

Capacity building of health centres across the eight targeted departments based on training of HCPs of different categories, including doctors, nurses, nutritionists, psychologists (mental health) and community health workers. Targeted health centres will be provided basic equipment and at least one centre in each department will become referral centre for specialised care, integrated with other existing maternal/specialised care centres.

Roll out of universal screening of pregnant women across all communities within catchment areas, combined with education and referral for cases detected. Post-partum services will be strengthened and institutionalised at health centre level and as part of community health worker outreach.

Roll out of large-scale awareness and mass media campaigns concerning diabetes and other NCDs in general, and targeting pregnant women for HIP detection in particular (linked to new services offered).

Institutionalisation of data collection and monitoring across all areas targeted, including the involvement of academia/research, and including followup interventions at Barranquilla level of women (and their offspring) detected during preceding projects (WDF10-572/WDF15-955).

Results at completion

• 129 health centres across eight departments provided capacity building, 8 of them estab-lished as referral units
• 1,220 HCPs of various categories trained (on average ten per health centre) combined with training of 996 community health workers
• 57,244 pregnant women screened for HIP with at least 3,600 new cases detected and provided care
• Special follow up provided to some 848 cases of HIP from preceding project and their offspring, 531 children
• 397 university lecturers/teachers from 20 medical/nursing schools located in target areas trained based on new guidelines and protocols, i.e., curricula will be strengthened within HIP/diabetes tuition
• 36.934 people mobilised through WDD and community level events, and at least 57,244 women reached through targeted campaigns 13 of 13
• The eight departments targeted represent some 12 million inhabitants or more than 20% of the total country population.

Project information

  • Project Nr.:
  • Project status:
  • Intervention areas:
    Access to care
  • Region:
    South and Central America
  • Country:
  • Partners:
    Barranquilla’s Mayor’s office
    Fundación Vida Nueva
  • Project period:
    2019 2023
  • Project budget:
    USD 1,074,801.00
  • WDF contribution:
    USD 1,074,801.00