OECS diabetes prevention and care project


To roll-out the first stages of national diabetes/NCD responses in five small islands states of the Eastern Caribbean region.


1. This regional small island states programme will be coordinated by the OECS health unit and implemented at country level by health authorities and other key local/regional stakeholders through following activities:
2. Establishing of a country level steering group in each of the five island states, headed by the MoH NCD Unit, through which implementation and monitoring plans will be developed and frequent coordination meetings take place; OECS will ensure overall coordination and data collection, funds management of WDF grant towards each country, etc.
3. Training of HCPs of different categories within diabetes/NCDs, based on updated training programme, guidelines and protocol, and strengthening of patient registers (integrated with existing HMIS), targeting main hospitals/clinics on the islands.
4. Update and reproduce various communication and education materials on diabetes/NCDs and provide these to trained HCPs and involved diabetes associations and other civil society groups.
5. Roll-out of large-scale awareness and health promotion activities across communities, at workplaces, at places of worship, and at schools, mainly through diabetes associations/civil society, and with linkages to the health system capacity building. These activities will hence also include patient/household-level support whereby diet, nutrition, care adherence and prevention will be supported at micro-level.

Results at completion

65 physicians and 201 nurses trained, together with 20 senior level HCPs and 80 additional HCPs and 20 diabetes association members.
73 diabetes/NCD clinics established or strengthened whereby majority of the populations (600,000 people) have improved access to diabetes/NCD care.
7,227 diabetes patients or people at-risk provided comprehensive care and follow-up.
203,139 people of different ages reached through mass media campaigns.

Project information

  • Project Nr.:
  • Project status:
  • Intervention areas:
    Access to care
  • Region:
    North America and Caribbean
  • Country:
    Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
    Saint Kitts and Nevis
    Saint Lucia
  • Partners:
    Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS)
  • Project period:
    2018 2021
  • Project budget:
    USD 305,128.00
  • WDF contribution:
    USD 305,128.00