Enhancing prevention and treatment of complications, such as diabetic foot, amongst patients with diabetes, Kyrgyz Republic


To enhance access to prevention and treatment for diabetic foot amongst patients across seven target provinces.

To enhance awareness and knowledge of prevention and treatment of diabetic foot and improve policy environment to support better access to health services and NCD care for patients.

To strengthen primary healthcare services and improve health professionals’ capacity to provide appropriate and quality care to patients with diabetes complications, including diabetic foot.


The project will improve access to diabetes care and specifically diabetes foot care through development of new training guidelines and clinical protocols for healthcare professionals for treatment of diabetic foot and further capacity building of HCPs. Secondly, it will improve access to diabetes care through the establishment of specialised diabetic foot clinics which will be provided with equipment and staffed with multidisciplinary teams including surgeons, orthopaedists, endocrinologists and nurses trained in diabetic foot care.

Extensive community awareness campaigns will be rolled out and the project will establish diabetes outreach groups at community level and provide capacity building of the diabetes patients’ self-help groups with regard to prevention, detection and self-care of diabetic foot. Links will be made between the outreach groups and the primary health care facilities.

National and local authorities will be sensitised on diabetes and foot complications deriving from diabetes in order to improve the policy environment to support better access to health services and care for diabetes patients.

Results at completion

600.000 people were sensitized on diabetes and its complications through mass media, social media and TV programs and news incl. celebration of WDD.
3,068 training sessions and discussions for 36,800 community members and patients with diabetes. Among them, 6,450 patients with diabetes trained in diabetes foot care and prevention of complications
260 family practitioners and 60 nurses from 65 family practitioners’ centres trained in prevention and treatment of diabetes and diabetes foot.
A national register of diabetic foot and co-morbidities developed.
103 standardized training guidelines printed in two languages: Russian and Kyrgyz and distributed to outreach groups.
Establishment of 8 diabetes foot rooms in 7 province centers and one in the Endocrinological Centre under the Ministry of Health.
Development of inter-generational ties through involvement of young people in prevention of diabetes and its complications, promotion of healthy lifestyle in the younger and older generations. 206 seminars and discussions conducted in schools with participation of 6,200 children of schools and colleges.
Development of the National Program "Prevention and control of diabetes and its complications in the Kyrgyz Republic”,
Increased number of test-strip provided by the government for each patient with diabetes in the frame of the state guarantee.
9,888 people with diabetes and risk factors gained knowledge and information about diabetic foot complications and its management through partner organizations and outreach groups
3,022 patients have been diagnosed with diabetes, 2,223 diagnosed with diabetes related foot problems and provided care.

Project information

  • Project Nr.:
  • Project status:
  • Intervention areas:
    Access to care
  • Region:
  • Country:
  • Partners:
    HelpAge International Kyrgyzstan Office
  • Project period:
    2018 2021
  • Project budget:
    EUR 260,000.00
  • WDF contribution:
    EUR 260,000.00