Prevention and care of DM in Liberia


To improve diabetes awareness among the general public and healthcare workers in five counties
To conduct diabetes screening camps at primary level clinics
To train healthcare workers in diabetes care and management using clinical practice guidelines and protocols developed by the project


A project steering committee consisting of representatives from Diabetes and Endocrine Society of Liberia (DESoL), Ministry of Health and Liberia Medical and Dental Counsel will be established. The committee will develop the first MoH endorsed diabetes guidelines and clinical protocols for Liberia as well as IEC materials for awareness raising and patient education.

The project partner will sensitise and mobilise the target communities by holding meetings with community leaders, conducting health talks at schools and places of worship, broadcasting radio and TV programmes and disseminating IEC materials. All the community sensitisation and awareness activities will be organised in collaboration with local health authorities.

Through the project healthcare providers, incl. doctors, physician assistants and nurses working at hospitals and clinics in target areas will be trained. The healthcare providers will be trained in diabetes diagnostics and care based on the newly developed guidelines and protocol.

Subsequently, diabetes screening and care will be rolled out in the targeted areas. Screening camps will be held at the main health facility of each target community by the trained staff and DESoL. Diabetes screening kits will be provided to the health facilities and diabetes clinics will be established within the existing primary health care level clinics. A referral mechanism will be set up and people diagnosed during camps will be referred for follow-up and care at the established diabetes clinics. The trained doctors, nurses and physician assistants will form diabetes teams and will be responsible for providing care, patient education and follow-up of diagnosed cases. A diabetes registry will also be established.

Results at completion

• 24 primary level facilities strengthened with the provision of basic diabetes kits and training of HCPs
• 143 doctors, 269 nurses and 124 physician assistants trained in diabetes care
• Paper-based diabetes registers introduced at targeted primary level facilities
• 7,540 people screened for diabetes at 24 camps
• Clinical management guidelines for diabetes developed
• Approx. 1,148,500 persons reached, via radio mostly, with awareness activities

Project information

  • Project Nr.:
  • Project status:
  • Intervention areas:
    Access to care
  • Region:
  • Country:
  • Partners:
    Diabetes and Endocrine Society of Liberia (DESoL)
  • Project period:
    2018 2020
  • Project budget:
    USD 115,546.00
  • WDF contribution:
    USD 115,546.00