Diabetes prevention and management by lay health workers in Nepal


• To raise awareness in the general population about pre-diabetes, diabetes and its complications
• To identify undiagnosed people with type 2 diabetes and prediabetes through screening
• To train Female Community Health Volunteers in blood sugar screening and empower them to disseminate family-based home health education at community level.


Female community health volunteers from the villages in the target area will be trained on diabetes care and prevention through a five-day training program. They will be trained on risk factor identification and screening methodologies. Yearly refresher trainings will be carried out. The trained female community health volunteers will be provided with basic equipment such as screening kits which includes glucometers, blood pressure meter, height and weight scales to be able to do screening at the community level. Training workshops with health care providers working at primary level will also be conducted to strengthen diabetes and NCD capacity. A referral mechanism will be established between the trained female community health volunteers and the trained health care providers.

Community-based diabetes and NCD services will be provided by the trained community health workers who will do household-level risk factor assessments and risk based screenings. They will provide health education at the household level and target the whole family. People identified to be at risk will be referred to the involved primary clinics or to screening camps. The community health workers are responsible for maintaining patient registers and to do follow-up of the patients.

An extensive community awareness program will be rolled out which includes a school health program, awareness and screening camps and public awareness campaigns including media.

Results at completion

• 168 Female Community Health Volunteers (FCHV) trained in screening, blood sugar and BP monitoring, referral, and lifestyle counselling
• 25 health staff, representing 25 health posts, trained in diabetes and hypertension management
• Referral pathways established and monitored
• 11,797 people screened through 5 screening camps and FCHV home visits
• More than 2,000 people with DM provided with care and medication during Covid-19 lockdowns
• 66 primary and secondary school teachers trained in health, NCDs, nutrition, and mental health
• 7,406 children and youth have improved knowledge about health, NCDs, nutrition, and mental health
• 62,858 people reached through awareness activities, incl. IEC materials, radio spots, fairs, running, cycling, debates, competitions
• One peer-reviewed article published
• 22 articles published through local and national media outlets

Project information

  • Project Nr.:
  • Project status:
  • Intervention areas:
    Access to care
  • Region:
    South East Asia
  • Country:
  • Partners:
    Nepal Development Society (NEDS)
  • Project period:
    2017 2022
  • Project budget:
    USD 234,493.19
  • WDF contribution:
    USD 234,493.19