National diabetes prevention and control programme, Rwanda


Rwanda has registered remarkable success in managing infectious diseases and the problems related to mother and child health in the last decade. Rwanda has managed to built a health care system by coordinating development partners around one national plan, in order to give all citizens access to quality care. However, Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) have been given little attention, as this happened across the globe. It is in this global concern that the Government of Rwanda has put in place NCDs Division within the Rwanda Biomedical Center (RBC) to coordinate efforts aiming to manage and prevent NCDs and their risk factors.

The project is designed to improve the quality and accessibility to existing NCDs services in Rwanda at all levels of the health care system (community, health centre, District and Referral Hospitals). This will ensure that people living with diabetes, especially the most vulnerable people in Rwanda including pregnant women and children, have access to diagnosis, care and treatment of diabetes management and prevention of complications. The project is aligned with the National Policy and Strategic Plan for NCDs.

To implement a national level diabetes programme in Rwanda with focus on capacity building of primary level health facilities


The quality of diabetes care in targeted primary health facilities and district hospitals across Rwanda will be strengthened and provided with basic equipment and information material. The electronic patient registry for diabetes patients will be upgraded and health care professionals will receive extensive training in diabetes management. Improved diabetes care and counselling will be provided at the targeted clinics.

In order to increase awareness of diabetes, countrywide awareness campaigns will be rolled out and screening activities to be undertaken to identify people suffering from diabetes and refer them for proper treatment.

Close monitoring and follow up will be conducted by the project partners including clinical onsite visits by the Ministry of Health and the quality of patient care will be continuously monitored using the data from the electronic registry.

Results at completion

42 District Hospitals and 483 primary health facilities strengthened with improved diabetes care and prevention measures.
42 doctors and 1,050 nurses increased their knowledge, attitude and practice in diabetes care.
264,963 people screened for diabetes.
11,443 patients diagnosed with diabetes.
64,338 patients treated at strengthened health facilities.
425,672 people reached with awareness activities.

Project information

  • Project Nr.:
  • Project status:
  • Intervention areas:
    Access to care
  • Region:
  • Country:
  • Partners:
    Ministry of Health Rwanda
    Rwanda Biomedical Centre
    Rwanda ministry of finance and economic planning
  • Project period:
    2017 2020
  • Project budget:
    USD 576,136.00
  • WDF contribution:
    USD 576,136.00