Comprehensive diabetes management in Assam, India


This project builds on the successful completed project WDF11-654 which strengthened diabetes care in Assam. This new project aims to expand a state-wide diabetes prevention and care programme with emphasis on rural areas and will build directly on lessons learned, reinforcing earlier efforts.


Project activities include:

Expanding capacity building of primary and community level health services through training of community health workers, and strengthening a mobile based tele-medicine system.

Roll-out of awareness and prevention sessions and of screening camps. This will enhance the outreach of existing mobile units and secure expansion of patient support including peer education for people with diabetes and complications.

The referral system will be strengthened through monitoring and follow up of patients.

The implementation of a ‘Health Education Programme’ at educational institutions through training of students as peer educators aims to raise awareness and promote behavioural change.

Finally, a series of workshops, seminars and campaigns will ensure a continued involvement from local stakeholders.

Results at completion

450 HCPs from existing mobile units trained as Training of Trainers (ToTs)
31,438 community health workers (CHWs) at grass-root level trained
1,491,860 at-risk people reached through awareness activities
470,668 people screened and 88,687 referrals made
9,180 telemedicine consultations conducted for patients residing far from involved clinics
122,541 patients from existing patient database and from newly detected groups to become peer educators for newly detected patients
69,720 students educated in diabetes and prevention at 500 educational institutes,
15 advocacy events arranged
Structured monitoring system in place

Project information

  • Project Nr.:
  • Project status:
  • Intervention areas:
    Access to care
  • Region:
    South East Asia
  • Country:
  • Partners:
    Piramal Swasthya Management & Research Institute
  • Project period:
    2016 2019
  • Project budget:
    USD 264.731
  • WDF contribution:
    USD 264.731