Generacion Vida Nueva Barranquilla, Colombia


The project is a consolidation and expansion of a former WDF project, namely WDF10-572, that had a specific focus on gestational diabetes where this project is focussing on broader diabetes prevention and basic care.

The experiences gained through the former project made it possible to understand the importance of involving all stakeholders from the planning stage and onwards, including the health service provider centres (PASOS y CAMINOS) and the public health insurers (EPS). Hence it will be possible to achieve an appropriate degree of comprehensive application and coordination among the various components of the healthcare system.

The project targets already registered high risk families with a history of diabetes (identified through an IDF sponsored clinical trial) or GDM (identified through WDF10-572). Furthermore the focus is to reach the low income segments of Barranquilla, which constitutes of more than 60 % of the population. The middle class will also benefit from the project, though to a lesser extend.


To reduce the risk of diabetes and its complications, a protocol for primary prevention will be developed. This is aimed at families, where there is a history of the disease, women who has been diagnosed with GDM and children who are overweight. Meetings with managers, of the public healthcare provider network in the city, is held, in order to implement the protocol in an efficient way.

The targeted families include mothers, who are diagnosed with GDM, family members living with such and family members living with individuals diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

A protocol for screening, evaluation and intervention for high-risk persons and overweight and obese children will be developed. The implementation will be facilitated by the Barranquilla Mayor’s Office/Health Secretariat who has a database of contact details for each population group.

Identified families will receive screening and education, about diabetes management, through workshops conducted by the Fundación Vida Nueva in coordination with the Health Secretariat and the National Diabetes Federation.

Primary health care will be improved, including training of HCPs and CHWs through the revised and extended guidelines. Schools will also be included through training of teachers based on the new guidelines.

Results at completion

• 13 awareness campaigns developed, in which 25,000 people participated.
• 40,268 pcs. awareness material created and distributed
• 455 educational kits for training produced and distributed
• 391 HCPs from 42 primary health care centres trained in primary prevention protocols
• 398 CHWs trained to seek out families with a history of diabetes and to raise awareness
• 122 university teachers trained
• 122 primary school teachers at 17 schools sensitized in primary prevention protocols
• 3857 adults at high risk of developing diabetes and 5300 children targeted with direct application of primary prevention protocols
• 315 postpartum women, 248 adults at family risk of developing DM2, and 309 overweight children and their families targeted and followed up with education and examinations
• Decrease of 7.4 and 10.69 percentage points for obesity and overweight, respectively, in postpartum women with previous HIP
• Decrease of obesity by 33.8% and overweight by 11.5% in children

Project information

  • Project Nr.:
  • Project status:
  • Intervention areas:
    Access to care
  • Region:
    South and Central America
  • Country:
  • Partners:
    BARRANQUILLA DISTRICT MAYOR’S OFFICE/Alcaldia Distrital de Barranquilla
  • Project period:
    2015 2018
  • Project budget:
    USD 325.119
  • WDF contribution:
    USD 325.119