National Survey on prevalence of diabetes and NCDs, Myanmar


According to the IDF Atlas 2013 the diabetes prevalence in Myanmar is 5.7%. However, during 2003 – 2004, with the support of the World Health Organization (WHO-SEAR), a survey was conducted in the capital Yangon, which showed a prevalence of 11.8%. There is an urgent need to raise awareness of diabetes and to improve the existing diabetes care system.

Due to the change in the socio economic status of the country, it is presumed that the prevalence of diabetes might be higher than estimated by the WHO. Previously, data on diabetes epidemiology for the country has been scarce and the magnitude of the problem was unknown. Calculations of the prevalence were based only on the hospital reports. The findings were believed to be under-estimated since the hospital data was solely based on discharge and death certificates. These certificates rarely mention diabetes as the primary cause for admission or death, even though it is the underlying cause of illness for many admissions and deaths. Thus, an information-based system for diabetes and other Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) needs to be established.

The goal is to obtain the essential data for implementation of nation-wide interventions for prevention and control of diabetes.


The study aims to measure the prevalence of diabetes and risk factors for major NCDs at national level. A task force will be formed with the representatives from the Health Department from the University of Medicine 2, Yangon and the Department of Medical Research (Lower Myanmar). They will be responsible for getting permission from authorities, executing technical and administrative matters and mobilising resources for conducting survey.

Data on demographic information and behavioral and biological risk factors for chronic NCDs (Diabetes, hypertension, cancer, lung diseases etc.) will be collected. Blood pressure measurement (BMI) and screening for glucose and cholesterol will be done. The patients diagnosed will be referred to the medical centers for treatment.

The data collected will be analysed and the results will be used for raising awareness and advocating for political commitment on prevention and control of diabetes. Meetings will be set up for presenting the results to the Ministry of Health in Myanmar, WHO, WDF as well as other relevant groups which have an impact in putting diabetes in the agenda.

Results at completion

• 60 doctors and 61 health assistants trained in survey methods and screening of diabetes
• STEPS Survey conducted among 8,757 individuals residing in 312 villages
• Survey results showed the diabetes prevalence is 10.5%

Project information

  • Project Nr.:
  • Project status:
  • Intervention areas:
    Access to care
  • Region:
    Western Pacific
  • Country:
  • Partners:
    University of Medicine 2
  • Project period:
    2014 - 2016
  • Project budget:
    EUR 132,218.00
  • WDF contribution:
    EUR 132,218.00