Primary prevention of diabetes, India


To combat the 14.6% prevelance of diabetes in Kerala, this project raises awareness of diabetes on the secondary school level by not only training the school children and teachers, but also by educating parents on a healthy lifestyle at home.

This project will begin with training 100 volunteers including nurses and doctors on diabetes education and testing. These volunteers will then train teachers to ensure the sustainability of the project until children at all secondary schools in Kerala are educated on diabetes prevention.

Results at completion

• Health promotion has been conducted in 800 public schools
• 218,016 children/youth have participated in one-day awareness classes and medical camps and their anthropometric measurements have been recorded
• 208,774 parents and 10,441 teachers have attended awareness classes and medical camps and the majority had their blood sugar and cholesterol levels assessed
• 1,420 teachers have attended diabetes training on diabetes symptoms, risk factors etc.
• 184 volunteers (doctors, nurses, dieticians, health workers etc.) have been trained in diabetes prevention, detection and management
• A total of 437,344 people have been reached through awareness and screening camps

Project information

  • Project Nr.:
  • Project status:
  • Intervention areas:
    Access to care
  • Region:
    South East Asia
  • Country:
  • Partners:
    Medical Trust Hospital and Diabetes Care Centre
  • Project period:
    2008 2013
  • Project budget:
    USD 471.415
  • WDF contribution:
    USD 471.415