UN resolution on diabetes, Global

Diabetes affects over 230 million people worldwide, and it is projected that this number will grow to 350 million in less than 20 years, with 80% of these individuals residing in low- and middle-income countries. In many developing nations, the increasing burden of diabetes threatens the progress made in living standards, education, and economic growth. People and families with diabetes face the challenges of disability, reduced quality of life, financial burdens, and the loss of years of life when diabetes is left untreated.
The project aims to raise global awareness about diabetes by organizing an extensive global awareness campaign to urge the United Nations to adopt a Resolution on Diabetes.
The "Unite for Diabetes" campaign, led by the International Diabetes Federation and supported by a coalition of diabetes associations, allied organizations, industry partners, and individuals living with diabetes, is the driving force behind this initiative. The campaign is focused on securing a United Nations Resolution on diabetes in 2007.
The campaign will disseminate global diabetes messages, particularly in developing countries, through the internet and networking platforms. International press conferences and journals will be used to promote the UN Resolution on the diabetes campaign.
Furthermore, the project will train 25 young individuals with diabetes, each from different countries, as Youth Ambassadors. Local diabetes associations will receive assistance and encouragement to seek their respective governments' support for the UN Resolution on diabetes.
Results at completion
- Increased diabetes awareness (in developing countires and special populations groups) and brought Diabetes to a higher level of attention with the WHO and
other UN related agencies
- Successful passage of UN Resolution 61/225 on December 20, 2006
Project information
Project Nr.:WDF05-0155
Project status:Completed
Intervention areas:PreventionAccess to care
Partners:International Diabetes Federation (IDF)
Project period:2006 2008
Project budget:EUR 96,604.06
WDF contribution:EUR 96,604.06