Diabetes Action Now


The WHO and IDF recognise the increasing severity of the diabetes epidemic worldwide. Almost 180 million people have diabetes globally, and around two-thirds are to be found in low- and middle-income countries.

A recent World Health Organization (WHO) estimate suggests that globally, 4 million deaths are attributable to diabetes yearly. Most of these deaths are, to a large extent, avoidable.

Only a few studies have assessed the extent of public awareness and knowledge of diabetes and its complications. However, It is widely accepted that there is considerable ignorance and severe misconceptions about the disease. To name one that, type 2 diabetes is a mild form of diabetes. It is particularly so in developing countries where the epidemic is reasonably recent.

This project is a response to this situation.

The project aims to improve the delivery of diabetes care by raising awareness of diabetes globally through increased advocacy and action.


The project is a collaborative venture between WHO and the International Diabetes Federation (IDF). The initiative represents a significant part of the future WHO diabetes programme. The project includes two temporary staff positions focusing on diabetes at WHO, Geneva.

The main actions of the project include:
• Devise and implement a global strategy for improving diabetes awareness
• Implement awareness activities, including reviews, assessments, publications and seminars
• Country-specific clinical management projects in developing countries• Training of health care professionals
• As part of the dissemination approach, WHO hopes to host the 2004 Conference on the Prevention of Diabetes and its Complications. Also, an "Ambassador for diabetes" will be appointed at WHO to spread the message of preventing diabetes and its complications, particularly to healthcare decision-makers.

WHO and IDF websites globally and regionally will be used as information resources as they can be quickly updated with new information.

Results at completion

• The percentage of countries with a specific action plan for diabetes increased from 41 in 2000 to 56 in 2006.
• The booklet "Diabetes Action Now” has been distributed in 10,000 copies, as well as diabetes being featured in the WHO global report "Preventing chronic diseases: a vital investment", 2006.
• Workshops on the primary prevention of type 2 diabetes and the promotion of effective management of people with diabetes was held. Altogether some 250 primary care staff (physicians and non-physicians) were trained in the three regions.

Project information

  • Project Nr.:
  • Project status:
  • Intervention areas:
    Advocacy and stakeholder engagement
  • Region:
  • Country:
  • Partners:
    International Diabetes Federation (IDF)
  • Project period:
    2003 2011
  • Project budget:
    USD 1,568,054.00
  • WDF contribution:
    USD 1,568,054.00