New film series explores the power in community healthcare education

WDF and partners in Jordan are featured in the Healthier Together film series to raise awareness of health inequalities and how we can work to close the gaps in healthcare.

16 May 2024 Anna Elley

Through the Healthier Together film series, WDF and partners in Jordan the Royal Health Awareness Society and the Ministry of Health tell the story of their efforts to strengthen NCD prevention and access to care for both refugee populations and host communities.

When it comes to health, people do not share the same opportunities. Addressing health inequality and closing gaps in healthcare requires worldwide collaboration and raises a difficult question: who is responsible for our health? In partnership with the WHO Foundation, a new online series, produced for WHO Foundation and partners by BBC StoryWorks Commercial Productions, sets out to explore how we can become healthier together. 

The new film series 'Healthier Together: A path to a better world’ looks into transformative, equitable and replicable programmes and initiatives which seek to address health inequity around the globe. The programmes and initiatives featured involve both healthcare providers and many different organisations working towards universal health coverage and ‘Health for All’. The series hopes to help reframe the public perception of the evolving healthcare ecosystem and inspire active participation and engagement from individuals and organisations.

Watch the film

Sharing stories from Jordan

Through the Healthier Together film series, WDF and its long-term partners the Royal Health Awareness Society (RHAS) and the Ministry of Health (MoH) were provided a unique opportunity to tell the story of their efforts to strengthen NCD prevention and access to care for both refugee populations and host communities in Jordan.

The film shares the reflections and experiences of four people either living or working with NCDs in Jordan – Rayya Hussein, Syrian refugee living with NCDs; Kawthar Hussein, Syrian refugee living with hypertension; Eman Al Sarhan, Jordanian living with diabetes, and Amal Al Khateen, Head of Nursing and NCD focal point for Al Mafraq Directorate in northern Jordan. Drawing on their lived experiences, they each share their reflections on life with NCDs in Jordan and how the NCD programme, supported by WDF and the Novo Nordisk Foundation, has strengthened the care and enhanced patient empowerment through initiatives such as the weekly education sessions in the local healthcare centres. 

Moment captured during the filming at one of the local healthcare clinics in the Al Mafraq Directorate - one of the highest refugee hosting areas in Jordan.

The NCD programme was launched in 2020 and is being rolled out by partners MoH and RHAS Jordan. The programme implements an integrated NCDs and humanitarian national response strategy to strengthen prevention and access to care for both refugee populations and Jordanians. Ultimately, the goal is to reduce the burden of NCDs, especially diabetes and hypertension, among refugees and other vulnerable groups in Jordan. 

Explore the campaign website

Read more about the project

The film is produced for WHO Foundation by BBC StoryWorks Commercial Productions and presented by WDF as part of Healthier Together: A path to a better world.

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